Monday, November 26, 2012

Simplify Christmas! Fancy Wrapping Included!

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Five Ways to Simplify Christmas

 It is easy to get caught up in the search for the best deals. I am guilty on this front.  I said I wasn't going to go shopping on Black Friday and yet found myself standing in a line that snaked half the perimeter of Kohls.  Everyone has their price and mine is apparently bath towels for $2.99.

Kohls knows what they are doing when they stack great deals in the middle of the aisle within captive line standers' reach. By the time I got to the clerk, a sweater, a building set, and a toy digital camera--all killer deals--had joined my towels.

I am now ready to put Black Friday behind me and gear up for a Simple Christmas Season and put cringe-worthy YouTube clips of "Black Friday at Walmart" out of my mind.

And so reformed, I offer...

Five ways to simplify gift-giving and hopefully steal some quiet time for yourself and the important people in your life:

Stop and Regain Focus. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you need it.  Most likely, you didn't even know you wanted it before you saw it advertised.  Impulse buys can add a few hundred to your Christmas bill if left unchecked.

Consider the Real Costs. Just because you've pinned 40 amazing, simple handmade gift ideas to your Pinterest board doesn't mean that making them will be simple or inexpensive.  Consider your time, sanity, and how  extra trips to the craft store add up to extra time and money.

Remember the Reason. Gifts are symbols to represent you care about relationships in your lives.  For Christians at Christmas, gifts represent the ultimate gift Jesus Christ gave: his life and example.  Giving gifts in this spirit can simplify Christmas.

Plan Ahead. Having your shopping done early leaves more time to focus on your relationships with people rather than material gifts. 

Have Extra Gifts on Hand.  Situations always come up where you need an extra gift: a co-worker you forgot on your list, a sub-for-Santa donation, a hostess gift for the dinner party you were invited to, a new neighbor.  Having several pre-wrapped gifts on hand eases last minute stress.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can a Smell
Save 40%! Reg. $10 now $6 through Monday November 26 at 10pm
Probably not...but maybe.  

A smell might not get you a new job...but your perfume can have a subtle impact.

A smell won't clean your house...but it can make your house feel like home.  

A smell won't solve your math homework...but it can make concentrating easier.

A smell won't take away your stress...but it can make your surroundings more pleasant.

Studies have shown that pleasant smells can reduce stress and help relax you.

Citrus scents especially can help increase focus and attention.

Smells bring back warm memories. 

But most of all, pleasant smells create a nice place to be. 

So, while a smell won't change your life drastically, it can help make the journey pleasant...

...and isn't that a change for the better?